Bro. Dale Leacock
January 07, 2001

TEXT: Luke 10:1-29


  • What does Christ want of you this year?
  • How far are you willing to go for Christ this year?
  • Jesus sent out 72 in our text this morning


God wants you to commit your life more deeply to Him this year!

  1. There is great need

    1. Broad fields - We need to come to the awareness that the problem with people is often a spiritual problem
    2. Abundant crops-There are those who are waiting to hear the word of God
    3. Ripened grain-Today many souls are ready and waiting for someone to tell them the Gospel of Christ
    4. Few Laborers-The honest idler must say "I am doing nothing", not, "there is nothing for me to do."
    5. Need for prayer-You can do more than pray after you've prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you've prayed -A.J. Gordon

  2. There is great risk

    1. Because of a cruel world - "lambs among wolves"
    2. Because you have to depend on the hospitality of people - "Do not take purse or bag or sandals".
    3. Because of our peaceful nature as Christians - "Peace be to this house."
    4. Because of opposition, vs.10,11 - "Are not welcomed"

  3. There is great rewards

    1. Great joy - Satisfaction of touching a life
    2. Great success-Preaching of the Word will not return void -Isaiah 55:10-12


  1. The call to service
    1. Christ expects his followers to work, especially in view of the great need and scarcity of helpers.
    2. We must enlarge our circle - The progress of the church -12, 72,120, 3000, 5000 men
  2. Result of labor
    1. Blessing to the soul.
    2. Knowledge of truth
    3. Fellowship with the Lord
    4. Satisfaction in life
  3. Now is the time to make a choice
    1. Recommit your life
    2. Accept Christ as your personal Savior

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