We are a group of undenominational, non-sectarian Churches. Non-denominational because each church is a self-governing entity and there is no denominational superstructure. The name Churches of Christ was not chosen to differ us from any other group of Christians but is just a name designated for the church in the New Testament (See Romans 16:16).

We are non-sectarian because we do not believe we have a monopoly on truth. We use this slogan "We are not the only Christians but we just want to be Christians only following the Bible only." We are only one of many movements throughout church history who have made an earnest attempt to follow the Bible as closely as possible to determine the life, practice and structure of the church.

Our principle aim is to bring unity to a very divided Church in the world through strict adherence to the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice for the Church. To accomplish this we urge all people to abandon doctrinal creeds, traditions, non-biblical officers and structure and let the Bible dictate what we shall teach and preach and how the congregation should be structured.

This call came from many people in many places and at different times. In America in the 1800's it came from people like Alexander Campbell in Pennsylvania, Barton Stone in Kentucky and others in Virginia, New England and Indiana. It also came in Barbados in the 1920's through Bro. Charles Leacock who was unaware of any other similar groups anywhere.

Ours is just a simple call to restore the Church to the New Testament pattern and we feel that will not only restore unity, but will bring about the power which they had back then.

copyright 2001 @ Six Roads Church of Christ